Coregal is a big waste management company (WMC) in Galicia in Spain. It runs four recycling centers, “Eco plants”, and one of them is in Boiro, where the fully automated ORWAK HORIZONTAL 800 ATH baler now masters the vast throughput of packaging material. It has the capacity to produce 100 bales per day.  

Coregal collects waste and recyclables from various municipalities in the region and collaborates with companies that want to implement separate collection of different types of packaging in their facilities. Municipalities are a fundamental link in the recycling chain and sustainability and resource optimization are becoming increasingly important to many companies and they turn to Coregal for professional advice, waste audits and assessments of the specific needs on site.

Coregal’s mission:
We work to achieve maximum reduction, reuse, recycling and recovery of all your waste”.

Coregal’s Eco plant in Boiro covers an area of 2.950 m2 and employs more than 40 people. This type of business with a constant flow of packaging waste calls for a fully automated compaction and baling solution. The high capacity model 800 ATH is the second biggest and most powerful in the Orwak range of horizontal balers. “H” stands for horizontal tying and the baler is fed by a conveyor belt. The baler is adapted to the customer’s needs and an existing conveyor belt with hopper on site.

Initially, Coregal will compact cardboard, paper packaging and plastic film but there is great potential to also process other types of waste, as they receive a wide variety of different materials at the Boiro facility.

The whole process is optimized. There is a continuous infeed through the conveyor belt, the baler effectively compacts, cuts and ties the material with wire and produces about 100 mill-size bales a day. The cardboard bales weigh up to 900 kg, an impressive weight, and are ready for delivery to the recycling industry and contributing to closing the loop in circular economy!

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