The fully automated briquette press BRICKMAN 300 contributes to improving work efficiency and securing work space at Logispo’s distribution center.

Logispo Co., Ltd. located in Hamura City, Tokyo, is a logistics company that specializes in fishing gear, and stores products such as fishing rods and lines, hooks, lures, life jackets and cool boxes. It works with various companies and handles logistics to sales outlets nationwide. Orwak Japan delivered Brickman, a high-capacity waste compaction solution, that now plays an important role in managing the discarded packaging material in the distribution center.

At Logispo, fishing gear is stored by type, sorted and shipped to retailers across the country, and it also handles online shopping and ships directly to the end-customers.

Large items are stored on the 1st and 2nd floors, and smaller items are stored on the 3rd and 4th floors

At Logispo, various types of fishing gear are separated by size and stored on each floor, and then sorted for sales in the workshop on the second floor. The sorting workshop is equipped with an automatic sorting machine and on average 3000 items are sorted per hour. An extremely large amount of cardboard waste is generated in the sorting process when the items are repacked and prepared for shipping.

Previously, cardboard boxes of various sizes piled up in empty spaces. Around 4:00 pm, the sorting staff had to spend an hour and a half to manually open and crush cardboard boxes.

The BRICKMAN 300 from Orwak was introduced to improve this situation. This fully automated machine can easily keep up with the waste stream and process all the cardboard in a short time. It not only reduces the burden on the staff, but also frees a considerable area of floor, which was earlier occupied by packaging waste. The product design to ensure safety and prevent accidents was also important in the selection process of the right solution.

The BRICKMAN is currently installed in the sorting workshop on the second floor, where cardboard boxes of various sizes are discharged from the sorting process. Those that are not seriously damaged are reused in packaging operations, but all relatively small cardboard boxes unsuitable for packaging are compacted and the briquettes are collected in roll containers. Managing Director Shinichiro Harada and Marketing Manager Masatoshi Kodera comment:

“Even though we are compacting only small cardboard boxes, the output fills up 10, sometimes as many as 15, roll containers a day. Even so, the cardboard waste management, which previously took all workers an hour and a half in the evening, is now handled by just one employee who separates the boxes by size and feeds the small ones into the BRICKMAN press. In addition, we were able to organize the piles of cardboard boxes to free up workspace, which enabled us to more efficiently allocate resources to sorting and packaging”.

“Logispo’s strength is that it is a joint distribution center for fishing gear that enables smooth logistics in collaboration with manufacturers, wholesalers, dealers, and retailers, but it also has flexibility in handling both peak and slow seasons. We are promoting the division of labor and multi-skilling (enabling staff to handle a variety of tasks) to respond to the current situation and we are actively promoting initiatives that will benefit both domestic and overseas customers, such as improving transportation efficiency and reducing transportation costs by shipping them together or in consolidated shipments. In addition, we are currently constructing a new warehouse in order to establish an efficient and optimal logistics system, and it looks like Logispo will play an even greater role as a logistics base for fishing gear.”

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